My name is Ramon Sparrow, brother of Jack Sparrow, and I`m a pirate too. Pirate is my job, and I loooove to be a pirate! I looooove to live in my ship and travel around the world over the oceans. My job is find other ships and attaaaaack`em. I start with my canons. I order: FIIIIIIIRE! and the BUM BUM BUM sounds like muuuuusic to my ears. Than, I grab a rope and jump on the other ship and use my sword to kill`em aaaaall! I cut their legs and their arms and their chest and their necks! I looove cuting necks. I KILL THEN AAAAALL! Then, I take their gooold! It`s all about, the gold, you know? The treasure! That`s the pirate job. You kill`em all, take their gold and take it to and distant island. Than you dig a hole, put the treasure on it and cover with sand. You must count your steps to a nice tree, like one, two, three, four... than mark an X on your map, to find it another time. Other thing I like is to make slaaaaaves. I use then to mooooove my ship. I hit their backs and SCREAM: REEEEEEMA CARALHO!
2 comentários:
eu ouvi tudo isso pelo menos duas vezes esse finde- demaisss! HUIEOAHUIEHIUAE
não era pra ser SCREAM?
sahuishuahsuihsuhasu :P
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